Friday, November 20, 2015

Third World Blues

During the holiday season, we generally try to be more generous to one another. Our efforts to care about our fellow man seem to be more concerted and we seem to be more aware of those in need. What we don't always see is the way that our disposal of waste during the holidays impacts the world around us.

The holidays are a time of year for giving and being with family. Lots of food, gifts and fellowship. As anyone who has been the host of something like this can tell you, the mess can be intimidating. Even more so, the amount of waste produced has to go somewhere. With families around the country all having events like this, the impact of that waste can be devastating.

The bloat of waste dumping offshore during the quarter following the holidays increases every year. This year make an effort to reduce your waste produced. Recycle and dispose of those batteries that every device uses properly. Give your neighbors across the oceans the gift of a cleaner next year.

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