There are many ways to prevent electronic waste but the vast majority of countries where this is an issue don't have the technology to dispose or reclaim the waste in a way that doesn't cause long term damaging effects to their environment. Looking at statistics, Guiyu province in China is the world's most polluted and dangerous area for electronic waste, yet the country continues to use it as a dump site. While this is the extreme of examples given, there are many more stories just like it.
Many poorer nations in the world allow larger more advanced countries to dump thier waste on their shores for profit. Where the dump sites able to handle the influx and toxicity of the waste in a responsible manner, this wouldn't be an issue. The reality here is that most don't have reclamation methods advanced enough not to destroy water and soil resources in the short and long term and end up damaging their own sources of drinking water and land for food production.
There are alternatives, however. Many nations have ways of safely reclaiming and recycling their waste. Much of what is dumped has value and can be reclaimed for use in similar industries. The transition will not happen overnight but knowledge of the alternatives and the impact of current state of things is imperative. Find out how you can make a change at
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