Friday, September 11, 2015

The Vicious (re)Cycle

Technology is a wonder to behold. Look around and you will see it everywhere. Few people think about where these marvels originate and even fewer think about what happens when they become obsolete or outmoded. Many end up in dump sites overseas waiting to be reclaimed and recycled. 

This sort of dumping is common worldwide. It's an economic mode for many nations to capitalize on the waste of others. Many recycle and reclaim the materials dumped on their shores. But what do these methods do to their ecosystem?

The majority of dump site nations have limited technology to recycle complex electronic components. Burning is the most common method to remove plastic and other dross to reclaim heavy metals with a high value to electronics companies. It seems simple enough. Many companies smelt off dross to claim valuable ore type materials. The issue is the overall impact of these processes. 

Burning plastic creates toxic fumes and residue that can kill in the right amounts. The impact to air and water supplies can be staggering. The lack of education of the local populace is problematic and the governments allowing this to continue is socially irresponsible. Do what you can to help slow this process at

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